To Nicaragua and Back

The week after returning to Honduras we made a trip into Nicaragua to pay a visit to the churches. Rigoberto Vasquez who is the director of the H.I.M. Hispanic churches came with his wife to encourage the churches. We had a very nice visit and God blessed in the services. Here we are at the border, Daniel's first time to Nicaragua.
Rigoberto and his wife Ana.
Getting ready to enjoy a nice lunch with pastor Julio.
Some of the people that attend Julio's church.
Julio's wife Jenny just loved to hold little Daniel. The people just love him to pieces!
After our trip to Nicaragua, Rigoberto came and paid a visit to our churches in Tegucigalpa. Here is the group that came out for the special service.
Then he preached Sunday morning at Tiloarque. 
L-R: Rigoberto, president of the H.I.M. Hispanic churches, myself, and Roger Ortiz national president of the churches in Honduras.