Sneaky Snakes

Something interesting happened last night at Las Delicias. While we were in service one of the ladies who had stayed home heard the chickens squawking and carrying on in the chicken coup. Assuming that it was probably a snake, she grabbed a machete and a flashlight and went to investigate the ruckus. Sure enough, there was a five foot snake looking for supper, instead of finding something to eat it got a blow to the head with a machete. She laid the dead snake out in front of the house and when we came back from church there it was waiting for us. Some of the guys got all excited and decided they were going to skin it. They did a good job and got a clean cut skin to take home. It made for an exciting evening.

Note: I didn't have my camera with me, the above picture is not the actual snake. They told me what kind it was, it was something similar to a boa constrictor. The actual snake was about as long as the one pictured but not quite as big around.


Jeanne said...

I don't even like the picture,,,,

Dorcas said...

Oh, dear Jesus!! I would've died!!