The Robbins Side of the Family

Hannah has several cousins who are pastors and we have been privileged to hold services in several of their churches. Wednesday night we were in Greenville, Ohio with Rodney Robbins and his family and Sunday night we got to be with a few more cousins and their families. What a blast!! Sunday night after church we all went to aunt Edna's house for snack and fellowship. It's always a hoot and hollerin time. It's always good fun, good food and great memories.

Saying a word of prayer before digging into the good food.

Two grandpas going down memory lane.

Joseph entertaining a crowd of onlookers after a service.

Rodney Robbins and his family


We had a blast the other night. I can't wait to get together again before you guys go back. My blog has a new post Hannah. Check it out. You can tell that I have well behaved kids by the way they are standing on their heads on the couch. Good times! By the way, the dvd made me cry. Thank you.