Fun With Friends...

With our time being limited we thought we would take the opportunity to get together with some friends. It was a great evening playing mini-golf, eating out and fellowship together. Doug ( pictured at the top right ) was victorious in the mini golf game only by one stroke. We all had to give him a hard time about that because Scott hit Doug's ball into the hole accidentally giving Doug what he needed to win.

It was a great time. They are memories that we will never forget. Posted by Picasa


Scott said...

Did anybody ever get those sandals out of the trash can?

Anonymous said...

I bet Doug did...

Jason said...

I just check and I see Scott going down a long road of 2nd places....

Tiffany said...

It was a lot of fun!! I'm in total agreement with Jason...Scott's winning streak is well on its' way to being over!! By the way, Scott...I went back later that night and got the sandals...I actually have them on today!! But it's weird...they smell strange, like everything else on the course!