Baby Dedication

Sunday was a special day. I was honored to have our first baby dedication in the church. This couple just recently started attending along with her parents. They dedicated little Cristopher to the Lord. Edwin and Sherlee are not Christians, but they have made it clear that they want to serve God and grow in grace. Help us pray for this young family!
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Dorcas said...

Ahhh!! That's neat, Eric! Keep up the good work!!

Roger Ortiz said...


Anonymous said...

This is awesome! I'm sure by taking the vows, this will get this family to really thinking of the responsibility they have as parents.

Anonymous said...

hey..i was just in gauimaca, Honduras for 11 days w/ my youth group, we got back to the states late last night..we went to teguc on friday and i wanted to go see you guys but had no idea where you lived..we went to 'el cumbre' for supper..very nice place!! have a nice day..