
Friday night we invited Carmen and her family for an American meal! Hannah cooked up a roast, corn, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese the whole works!! It was sooo good.
This was our first time to meet her husband Emerson. He is very nice. They told us their story of how they immigrated to the United States. On their way, they stayed a week at a stranger's house in Mexico. They said the place was horrible. Rats ran wild, cochroaches joined them at the supper table and the lady of the house never took a bath or washed the dishes. The youngest of her children was only a year old.
When it was time to go to the States, they had to swim the Rio Bravo. The river was contaminated. Emerson used make-shift bouyes by inflating garbag bags and told the kids to hold on as he pushed them across the river. One of the boys fell into the water and Emerson had to dive under to get him, swallowing a mouth full of the black water.
Upon arriving safely on the other side of the river, immigration caught them. They gave Carmen a two month pass for the sake of the children and put Emerson in jail for three months before sending him back to Honduras. He was in jail the day of 9-11 when the towers fell. For a whole week afterwards, he only got a sandwich and water and was confined to his cell for security reasons.
Three months after arriving back in Honduras Emerson made the trip back to the United States (a trip he has made several times) to meet up with his family in Miami. They lived in the states for seven years.
They have since moved back to Honduras and have built their own house and own their own store. They miss the United States sooo much. Especially the dollar store, goodwill and flea markets. One of their favorite restaurants was Golden Coral. That was one of the reasons we invited them over, they really missed American food. We had such a good time talking and getting to know each other. Pray for Carmen and her family. She and the boys have been coming faithfully on Sundays. They are such a great family.

(While the boys were playing soccer, one of the boys got hurt, thus the ice pack and Dr. Joseph helping him get better)


lizzie said...

wow that is so interesting!! I'm sure they enjoyed hannah's wonderful cooking...which by the way..when is Hannah planning on surprising us again and cooking us deer roast and the whole works like she did 2 years ago??!?! hahaha..i think it's time:)