Starting new works in metropolitan areas can be very difficult. There are already many religions that have taken root and with easier access to money and business, people tend to neglect their spiritual needs. But it is here that God has called us and we intend to fulfill his purpose. It is our desire to see a holiness church established for the glory of God. It has been revealed to me once again that it's not by might, nor by power but by the Spirit of God. We are facing a task that is much bigger than us, but nothing compared to God. We desperately need his strength and wisdom.
Recently I have been thinking about the power of prayer and fasting. I am firmly convinced it is the key to any success that we may see. Jesus himself set forth the example by fasting forty days in the wilderness before embarking on a three year ministry that changed the world. Moses fasted forty days while talking with God in Mount Horeb, before returning with the ten commandments. Elijah, after fleeing Jezabel, also fasted forty days in Mount Horeb before hearing the still small voice of God. The words of Jesus have been ringing in my mind when he told his frustrated disciples who had failed to cast out some demons that "this kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting". I would like to re-echo those words and say, this kind of church that we would like to establish will not happen without prayer and fasting.
Every example we have in the Bible of someone fasting forty days, something great happened. I personally don't feel capable of fasting forty days. However, I believe that together we can see it accomplished. I am making an appeal for 24 people to fast with me forty hours. The combined hours would equal the amount of one person fasting forty days. I believe God would honor it, and would bless. We are specifically praying and fasting for new converts who will help to establish the work. Pray that God would begin to touch hearts and draw them to him. Would you be willing to be part of this fasting team? Would you be willing to sacrifice forty hours starting 8 p.m. on May 21 until 12:00 noon on May 23? If you would like to join us please let me know by leaving a comment or sending me an email. I would like to keep a tally of how many will be fasting.
This is not and endeavor to appear super spiritual. It is a sincere plea to God that he would help us and bring new souls into the kingdom. Please don't feel embarrassed or pressured if you do not feel interested or have the physical capabilities of fasting that length of time. There are some who are not physically capable. However, if you are capable and willing we would love to have you join us.
Let's pray and fast for souls in Honduras!!
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