Central American Pastor's Retreat

December was absolutely jammed packed with activities. I'll try to give you some of the highlights. First off was a two week trip to Guatemala. The first week was spent in Guatemala City at our annual H.I.M. Central American pastor's retreat. It's always a great time of fellowship, learning and drawing closer to God. Our special speaker this year was Dr. Glenn Reiff, he did an excellent job talking to us about holiness.
There were pastors from several other missions that came to join us for some of the sessions. We enjoyed getting to know some new faces.
One evening we built a bon fire and sat around singing, telling riddles, and discussing biblical mysteries. Some great memories!
It was nice to have EFM's national church president Misael and his wife visit some of the sessions. He and his wife ministered to us with some beautiful music.
Mealtime as usual was marked with missionary stories, discussion about cultural differences and always a good joke or two. A lot of fun!
Spanish director "two-story" John Dykes. The Spanish guys get a kick out of his height.
It was another great retreat and very enjoyable!