A Good Revival

Somebody must have been praying for us because God really helped us during the revival. We had a good turn out each night and sensed the Lord's presence among us. Julio and Nemecio preached and sang with all their hearts and their ministry was blessed.

Each night I took people from our church in Tiloarque.  It was a big moral boost for the Las Uvas church to see our people take time to attend their revival.

On Sunday morning Hannah had her Sunday school class in one of the ladie's homes. We normally don't have sunday school at this church because I have to preach at our home church so this was a real treat for the kids, they really enjoyed it. After the service we had dinner on the grounds and enjoyed rice mixed with chicken and vegetables that Jose Montoya and Xiomara cooked. It was a great time!!

Thanks for praying. God really helped us and we give Him all the praise!


jeanne said...

glad for the good report..

Anonymous said...

To God be the Glory! He is Faithful.