Thank You Batavia Jr. Church

What a wonderful surprise when we received a box from the Jr. church at Batavia Pilgrim Holiness church from Batavia Ohio. Thank you class!! I love my jeans and flannelgraph, of course Hannah is thrilled to get tupperware and things for the kitchen, and Joseph just loves his berenstein bear books and coloring books. You guys made our day!! God bless you all!!

Joseph thought it was Christmas again!

Joseph really likes his books.

The jeans fit perfectly! I love them.

A few of the things were, flanelgraph backgrounds to use in Sunday school, tupperware, stickers, chili packs, coloring books, jeans, hot pads, a book, berenstein bear books and measuring cups. What a wonderful mix of treats!


Scott said...

Very nice! Joseph looks really excited.

Dorcas said...

That was really nice of that Church to surprise you!

Anonymous said...

oh, how sweet of these kids...
may they all receive a very special blessing...