Happy Birthday Joseph

Two years ago on this very day our little Joseph, he was born.

With joy, pride and happiness our lives he would adorn.

What a thrill to watch him grow and learn new things each day.

Learning to love, share and give and learning how to pray.

May God guide his footsteps and guard his life and fill him with his glory.

Lord use our son in any way, use him to tell salvation's story.

Happy Birthday Son!! We love you so much!!!!


Roger Ortiz said...

Digale a Jose Feliz cumpleaños de parte de mi familia: Ortiz Paz

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Joseph..
we hope you had a wonderful day...
love you bunches..

Jason said...

Hope he had a wonderful birthday!!

Happy birthday little guy! we love you sooooooo much!

Scott said...

I like the collage. Hope it was really fun birthday!