Shock Talk


Jeanne said...

This was "super"...
What an expression Hannah has on her face...
I have to play it over and over...

Jeanne said...

I love when she says "Mom"...

Michelle said...

That is very awesome!!!! That is great that you caught her expression on video!!

Jason said...

This was great! How cool being able to capture this! Way to go Eric!! :)

Dorcas said...

Oh Hannah!!! I'm so excited for you. When I first watched the video I had tears in my eyes!! What a nice early Christmas gift. And Eric way to go surprising her like that. Enjoy your time with your Mother!!!

Scott said...

I loved it. I played it multiple time.

This was great. Great Job Eric! Your Uncle Den would not have been able to keep the secret, he tells everything. Way to Go!

Jeanne said...

this makes me laugh everytime I look at it.
Look at all the people looking.
And what about the luggage she runs into....
Oh this is fantastic...

sarahmfry said...

Okay. I'm crying. That is just too precious for words. There's nothing like seeing your mama walk in when you've been apart too long... I had to watch it over.

You get the husband of the month award, Eric.

Hannah, you look great!

Bethany said...

Oh WOW!!! I love it. I can only imagine how excited I would be to see my mom if I were in Hannah's shoes! I see my mom almost every day! What a wonderful Christmas present!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello, I'm Bethany's sister...seeing this video makes me cry! I'm so happy for your sister! I'd be soo homesick!!

lizzie said...

I LOVE IT!! I love the expression on Hannah's face! I can't hear anything cause I'm at the Library but I had to watch a few time, I love it! I am so glad mom got to go see you guys!! I love you and miss you guys!!