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When Joseph was born it made it very difficult to keep up with our language school. We tried taking him to class with us but it just didn´t work. Being locked down in class for four hours a day just wasn´t his cup of tea. So for some time we had been out of language school. Still not feeling on the level that we would like, I felt like we somehow needed to get back to our studies and go deeper. That`s when God answered prayer. He provided us with Sandi, a Spanish teacher who lives close to our house. She comes to our home two hours a day four days a week. During the class our neighbour takes care of Joseph. It has been working out so good. She does a great job even teaching us how to cook a few Honduran dishes.
My goal for 2007 was to preach in Spanish without an interpreter. I am happy to report God has helped me reach that goal. It still isn´t perfect but it feels so good to be able to minister to the people in their own language. We would appreciate your prayers as we continue to chip away at this barrier.


Bless y'all's hearts, having a baby would put a kink in studying a new language. =) So glad that God answered prayer and gave y'all a nice Spanish teacher who will come to your home.

Keep encouraged in Jesus.

Heather and family in Colombia! =)

We will be praying for you as you continue to study Spanish - sounds like you have a good setup for continued learning!

Marc, Melodie and boys