This monday, September 3 we will be making a trip to Belize by boat to visit four of our churches there. We would appreciate your prayers for protection as well as for God's help as we visit these precious people. We will be returning to Honduras on September 8.


Services in San Pedro Sula

We just got back from a trip to San Pedro Sula where pastor Roger Ortiz's church celebrated nine years of ministry. Thursday thru Sunday we enjoyed special services with Doctor Glenn Reiff as the evangelist. Here are a few of the highlights from this past week. We were also joined by our missions director Sidney Grant. It was a wonderful time together.

Here they are grilling lamb for our Sunday afternoon dinner.

Hannah and the ladies worked hard on decorating the church. They did a great job.

Sis. Reiff and Hannah practicing their skills at making tortillas.

I enjoyed playing guitar with the other guys during the services.

Enjoying a delicious meal at a place called Power Chicken. They have an amazing variety of typical food.



After enjoying the special services in San Pedro Sula, Doctor Glenn Reiff and his wife Helen came to spend a few days with us in Tegucigalpa. We so enjoyed their company. After spending many years in missions they have lots of stories, wisdom, and advice to give to us. They were such a blessing. On Tuesday evening we had a little Bible study together with some of our friends. They also enjoyed getting to know the Reiffs.


Fish by the lake shore

On our way home from San Pedro Sula we stopped at Lake Jojoa to eat lunch. The restaurant overlooks the lake, it is beautiful. When you walk into the restaurant each person passes by a cooler full of fish,(they are Tilapia) from the lake. You pick the size you want to be cooked. They then wash your fish and fry it head and all. It is served with fried platano and a drink. They are sooooo good. The skin is really crispy. You then dig in, enjoying the rich, juicy, white meat while being careful to pick out the bones. Mmmmmmm good.


Monday Nights

Several weeks ago I met Josìas at the internet cafè(pictured to my left). We began to talk and I told him we were missionaries here. He was so excited. He and his brother Sergio ( to my right) are two Christian young men who live just around the corner from our house. Sergio was so thrilled when he found out Hannah was from Jordan. Sergio wants to go to Morocco as a missionary. He is studying foreign languages in the university. So they usually come on Monday nights and we talk about God and study the Bible together often talking until 1 or 2 in the morning. These guys are great. They love God and they love learning. Hannah has started teaching Sergio Arabic and he is learning fast!! We are so amazed. We hope that someday Sergio will go to Morocco and share the gospel. Pray for him and his brother Josìas.


A Bright Idea

Joseph loves turning off the lights before he goes to sleep. So I carry him around the house and one by one he sticks his little finger out and turns off the lights. Then he smiles real big like he just found a cure for cancer. It is funny.


Can someone help me put my shoes on?


The Day of the Program

We finished our eight week lessons on the theme of Christian Soldiers. This past Sunday was our program. What a day! We had made up the pieces of armour for a soldier, we had Eduardo represent Satan our enemy. We prepared little dramas for the kids to act out to teach the different pieces of armour that we need as Christians. We practiced several times through the week and handed out invitations for their parents and families to come and see the program. The kids were really excited and we were a little nervous not sure what was going to happen. We had our hopes for a big crowd but also had that gut feeling that well, people say nice things but following it through is something else.

So Sunday afternoon came and all our kids showed up ready to do the program. These kids are so full of energy and with the excitement of the program it was a little chaotic. By the time we were ready to start only our soldier`s sister had come and a few visiting children. We were a little dissapointed. But we did the program anyway. As we went along more and more children came and by the end as I was praying the dismissal prayer several ladies came. I couldn´t believe it. Right at the very end!! So when it was all said and done we had a total of 34 people. A record, sort-of. For about 10 minutes at least. Oh well. I`m glad they came. Maybe next time it will go a little better.



Gone are the curls! I decided it was time for another hair cut. Joseph was starting to look like a girl. We don`t want any confusion. haha. Now he looks like a real man.


A Great Sunday

This past Sunday was the finish of our Christian Soldiers theme. We had a great turn-out, twenty-five kids. With four brand new kids who were there for the very first time! We were packed. A team of seven boys won the competition and we will be taking them on a picnic to mount Picacho. They are so excited they can't wait. Both teams worked memorizing their verses, attending, bringing visitors etc. But, somebody has to be the loser. This next Sunday will be a program for the parents. We would appreciate your prayers. Pray that through the program we could see some of these parents start coming to church.




Yesterday this man was going house to house fumigating for mosquitos. There has been an outbreak of dengue across the city. Several have died from this disease. The city is trying to combat the problem.