This past Friday morning this taxi arrived at the Penitentiary to pick up a young man who had been in prison but was released. On his way home the taxi also stopped and picked up another man who had no connection to the man who was in jail.
Upon arriving at Tiloarque ( our neighborhood) two men came up behind the taxi and opened fire, killing both passengers and wounding the driver. They then turned and ran on foot. Hearing the shots nearby police came running to the scene. Seeing two suspects fleeing, they opened fire killing one of the men and arresting the other. The suspect who was killed was carrying three 9mm handguns. He was shot on the very highway we cross to take our bus.
Apparently the man who had been in prison had made some enemies within the prison. The event must have been orchestrated within the prison, and fellow cohorts carried out the action as the man was heading home.
After the car was removed and the police cleared, I shot this picture of blood stains that were left on the sidewalk. It was a real shock. I think about it each time I pass by this spot. The other two photos are from the newspaper.
One of the ladies who has come to our Sunday school was a friend of the victim. She was really shook up. These types of things happen here everyday. It`s just another reminder of why we are here, to win them to Christ

ooooh, this is scary...
Be careful..
WOW! Those are pictures you don't see in US papers very often! I'm a firefighter and I see blood a lot of the time. We just had a car accident about a week ago and we put the passengers on Life Lion and they went to Hershey med. That seems like a big deal and it only happens a couple times a year. Everyday we're reminded that we need to take life seriously and Let God make the difference that only HE can! God Bless you!
Oh how awful! I am still praying for ya'll! Keep encouraged even though this stuff is happening!
-Charity from NC
That's too close for comfort!! Be safe!!
THIS is why I didn't come and live with you!! hahaha..no really I'm so thankful God keeps His merciful hands on you!!
This is so sad. There again God shows us His protection. Thank you, Lord. I want to be faithful, when He wakes me up in the middle of the night to pray, I know He has a reason. Iam so glad you all have a vehicle now, No more taxi's?
Love, Momma J/T
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