Getting Ready

Getting everything ready for our first church service was so exciting. Hannah and I washed the floor, I bought some more plastic chairs, and we used one of our dressers for the pulpit. Our church is definitely ¨rough¨but hey it´s church! If you notice in the bottom left corner of the church picture a little machine sitting on a stool. That is our orchestra. We have a hymn book in Spanish with about 500 hymns and this machine is programmed to play the music. It has over 80 different sounds you can choose from such as piano, violin, organ or ensemble etc. You just punch in the number of the hymn and away you go! You can change the pitch or tempo of the song as it plays. It´s amazing. Who needs pianos, organs or orchestras? It´s all right there on that little stool.


Jeanne said...

lookin' good...

tim said...

before long you'll have words projected to a screen, to a concrete wall, or even worse... how exciting... thanks for keeping us posted. love and prayers...

Hannah said...

We used a similar machine in Alaska, a Synthia. It really is a great tool! We are friends of Mark and Cindy Redmond so we know of you from PVBI.

Scott said...

I saw and heard that music machine when you were here and I was amazed! I'm sure it will be indispensable there. Things are looking good there.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid God would really have to help me big time to push a single button on your machine.