Joyce Marshall

On Wednesday, September 6 at 12:20 A.M. Joyce Marshall passed away. As my aunt she was an inspiration to me. I had the pleasure of spending several summers with her and her family in Lake Placid, New York. She lived a beautiful Christ-like life. She was a missionary, teacher, artist, mother and a great friend. She loved serving God and her heartwarming, caring spirit will be greatly missed.


Anonymous said...

So sorry for the loss of your aunt and your mother's dear sister. I just came into the library today to print out something for Tom, and wanted to check out the blog. Please know we will be remembering you all in prayer. I am sure she will be missed. God has the grace to help in this time of sorrow. God Bless You All. Our love, and Prayer,

Tiffany said...

Sorry for your loss, Eric!! She was a great woman...such a good Christian example! I'll be praying for all the family!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eric & Hannah,
We're so sorry for your loss! We are lifting you up in prayer!

Kimberly said...

Sorry to hear about the loss of your aunt! I'll be praying for all of you!


PS. Could you email me sometime and let me know when you're actually heading back so I can figure out a way to see you and Joseph before you leave? Thank you!