I Can S-M-I-L-E

Here is a big smile for all my friends and family. I love you guys!


Jeanne said...

Oh, my, you are really growing,Bug-a-boo....
We miss you....

Anonymous said...

Sweet little baby boy....

Anonymous said...

Hey Eric and Hannah,
I was just enjoying seeing the pictures of the baby. He is really growing. Alissa and Alana's babies are really growing too.
Terry Lutz

Carrie said...

I just can't get over what a cute little guy he is!!

Tiffany said...

Awww...he's grinning at us!! Love it!! Keep the pics coming...

us4&nomore said...

Wow! He really looks like Hannah!!! :)

Scott said...

Do I see some blond hair coming through?

Kimberly said...

Hey! I don't know when I've seen a more adorable little boy! Joseph is tops in my book :) When do you guys leave? I would love to see you before you go so I can give Joseph a huge hug! Love you! Love, Kimberly

Brenda said...

He is so cute!!! He has such a cute SMILE!!! I miss him!

It was great having you guys down here for the weekend. it's only been a day and uncle scott and I already miss that smile.

Tiffany said...

We need some pictures of Joseph!! Give us an update!! I miss you guys!!