A Busy Man...

Why has there not been much blogging? Where are the pictures of Joseph and our family? What have we been up to? Well let me explain...

A few weeks ago my uncle stopped by to see Joseph. While he was there he told me his son Mike was looking for some summer help, he thought of me and wanted to know if I was interested in doing some work for about thirty days.

My curiosity was peaked as I was told what this job would involve. My cousin Mike works for Garst seed company. They sell many lines of hybrid seeds such as corn, alfalfa etc. My job would be to travel around Pennsylvania placing advertisement signs nearby Garst fields. The job sounded interesting, so I decided to give it a try.

I have been working for two weeks now, and I have enjoyed it very much. I was supplied with a Ford 250 truck, signs, posts and a list of dealers to get in contact with. It has involved a lot of traveling, reaching fields in Lancaster, State College, Lebanon and many other towns across Pa.

So why has the blogging been so lazy? Because I have been so busy. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Busy little daddy!!!