Dirty river near the poor community.


Jeanne said...

don't decide to go swimming....
motherly advise...

Anonymous said...

looks like the river we swam in as a kid below McGees..lol

Anonymous said...

you are in the thick of it now remember the "teach a man to fish story." you could go broke buying food for everyone. i usually let them do my laundry and pay them. or some other task then they are earning their money and can have some feeling of worth. remember when you leave you don't want them dependent on you. like the welfare system in the states it doesn't work. they have skills use them. just a thought don't mean to be bossy haha

Jon Plank said...

Sounds like you're doing a great job. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

I think the advice that Sheila, was very "good advice".
Keep us the good work, your doing great, we are proud of you..