Parsonage Construction

There have been some exciting advancements in Las Delicias. God is helping!
Roberto has moved all of his family's belongings to his parent's house and has begun work on the new parsonage! He hopes to have it finished by February.
The foundation work will soon be completed and they will begin laying block for the walls!
On the back side of the house will be a prophets chamber for visitors and evangelists.
If you or your church would be interested in giving towards this project we would deeply appreciate it. We need about $10,000 to cover the expenses. You can make your checks payable to HIM and mark in the memo "Las Delicias Parsonage".


Weekend in Guatemala

I was invited to speak at an EFM church in La Maquina, Guatemala on the topic of holiness. It was draining 15 hour drive to reach our destination but praise the Lord we had a very good trip. Roberto went along with me and it was first time to see El Salvador and Guatemala. Here he is talking with Eduardo, this family housed us during our stay.
There were lots of chickens, ducks and turkeys running around the house and roosting right outside of our bedroom window. The stalks in the background is sesame. Sesame seeds is one of the main incomes in this part of the country.
In each service we were blessed with some wonderful singing. On the right is pastor Ruben Segura and a man from his church. They make a great duo!
God helped in the services as I spoke on the two types of sin, the steps to holiness and the benefits of having holy hearts.
 We had some very special altar services as people sought God for a holy heart.

The Sunday morning crowd.
The church was just ten minutes from the Pacific Ocean.
Pastor Ruben and his family. We had a great weekend with some great people!!



Special Visitors

We were highly honored to have Glenn and Helen Reiff come for a week long visit. After more than forty years in mission work and ministry we couldn't help but sit enraptured as they talked about their experiences and gave us their advice. Just absolutely wonderful people.
During the week we visited the different churches and Bro. Reiff preached. Here he is preaching in Las Delicias to a full house!
The weekend that they were here Bro. Reiff preached an anniversary revival at Las Uvas. The services were well attended and God moved on the hearts of the people as Bro. Reiff talked about our need to be right with God. Several got help at the altar.
Saturday afternoon of the revival. We had a special children's service.
Sis. Reiff talked about the caterpillar that changes into a butterfly and how God can transform our lives.
The children hung on to her every word!
Thank you Bro. and Sis. Reiff for your ministry. You are an inspiration to us all!!